Contact us

We are glad to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us using the form below or by contacting us.

Unistar Representatives LTD

102-104 Vasileos Pavlou Ave., 16673 Voula, Athens, Greece

+30 210 9650233

Selling your goods to your customers in Greece

A foreign company can have the same treatment as any other business in Greece, through fiscal representation.
Unistar is willing to act as the local representative of your company.

Storage of goods and subsequent sale in Greece

The importer located in a country outside the EU that temporary stores imported goods in a customs bonded warehouse, can benefit from import VAT and duties delay during the storage period and up until the potential sale.

Selling your goods to your customers in the EU

Fiscal representation is a winning option for a foreign company when importing goods in the name of the company from a country located outside the EU to an EU Member State, through Greece.